Ward No. 6

A short film directed by Konstantina Ntinapogia & Ioannis Makro.

Inspired by Anton Chekhov's Ward No. 6, this experimental video dance adaptation features Konstantina Ntinapogia as dancer & choreographer, and Dimosthenis Fillipas narrating the role of Dr. Andrei Eifimich.

The film, with its aesthetics, physicality and montage, accentuates the profound exploration of themes such as insanity and rationality, social criticism, and the human condition, which are raised in Chekhov's original work.

The critique of social and medical institutions remains equally relevant today, a century later. The neglect and cruelty within the system are exposed, highlighting bureaucratic indifference and societal moral decay. The focus extends further to the philosophical issue of human mortality.

Ward No. 6

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Directed by: Konstantina Ntinapogia, Ioannis Makro

Producer & Dancer : Konstantina Ntinapogia
Cinematography: Akis Valergakis
Narrating: Dimos Fillipas
Music: Dasha Rush - Outer Space
Editing: Ioannis Makro
Sound Recording: Spyros Kolaitis