
Writing Services

Original screenplays for films & commercials, theatre adaptations, literature translations.
I have also worked as a press officer & ghost writer, in creative media, news outlets and political campaigns.

Several of my writings have received accolades by the European Parliament, the Greek Parliament, the Greek Association of Writers, NGOs and International Film Festivals around the world.

Original Screenplays & Commercial Scripts

Transfer your audience to unexpected worlds.

Ghostwriting & Press, Articles, Political speeches, Translations, Social media content, and more

Regardless if it is a two hour feature film, or a 30 second advertisement, you need a sharp, effective, cinematic vision.

My experience on both fields, has provided me a skillset that combines the quality and depth on which cinema relies, and captivating engaging ideas that are essential for a successful commercial story of few seconds. My special skills include:

  • Creating original ideas from point zero

  • Adapting & developing your existing ideas

  • Writing hilarious dialogues/characters/gags

  • Providing authentic, non mainstream stories

  • Stimulate lasting, touching & inspiring emotions, through structured concepts 

The world is written by invisible pens.

Behind every impactful message, there’s the craft of communication with power and purpose. My expertise spans ghostwriting, press releases, articles, political speeches, translations, and social media content—each carefully tailored to resonate with the intended audience. Whether you need persuasive political rhetoric, a compelling article, or a seamless translation, I bring clarity, precision, and creativity to every project.

  • Crafting eloquent political speeches that inspire

  • Writing engaging articles that captivate readers

  • Press releases that grab attention & convey your message

  • Translating with cultural sensitivity and accuracy

  • Producing effective and engaging social media content

  • Ghostwriting with discretion and authenticity, capturing your unique voice